Beautiful Lake Hayes

Today the walking group drove over the Crown Range to Lake Hayes.  It was a beautiful day for walking, no sun, and a slight cooling breeze.  We walked right around the lake, which I believe is a distance of 7.27 k's.  This photo is part of the track heading south.  The willow trees are just turning green, and look lovely in the sunlight.  The first extra is of some girls we passed on the track.  

On the way home we stopped at the Cardrona Distillery, where we all had a nice coffee/hotchoc/cuppa tea.  While we were having our drinks, there was a whisky keg filling ceremony.  We were treated to hearing the bagpipes, while the 2 ladies rolled their barrel along the path to be filled.  The second extra is of the piper and ladies having their photo taken after the ceremony.  They then went into the cafe for a celebratory drink.

Home now, after a lovely day at Lake Hayes.

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