
By kas18

Brandenburg Gate

What a place to stand and watch the Berlin marathon. Just ahead is the finish line.
I thought I was going to see a world record being broken yesterday but Kenenisa Bekeli of Etheopia was fractionally under with a time of 2.03.03. Wow what a runner. I doubt I'd have done that on my bike.
There were so many amazing competitors. From the wheelbikes, wheelchairs, disabled, charity runners, right through to the world champions. But in my mind they are all champions.
I was clapping and cheering solidly for the five plus hours I stood watching. How I envy people that can run that far.
Unfortunately I missed Andy run by. I can't believe I missed him. I had two phones on the go. One ready to take pics and one tracking....but I missed him running past.
He had a good run though. Despite a few niggles in his knee he did a good time.
His legs are feeling it now. I think tomorrow we will be seeing the city from the top of a bus and a boat. Nothing on foot.

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