
By BikerJim

~Castle Rock~

~In The Spotlight~

The horizon, just before sunset, was littered with clouds, small and large. These fragments, of what was earlier an overcast western skyline, delivered a dappled pattern onto Pusch Ridge this evening. At one point Castle Rock was illuminated, causing it to stand out from the foothills below it and the higher peaks of the Santa Catalina Mountains behind. I was so overwhelmed by the sight I almost forgot I had my camera, let alone how to operate it! But I did manage to get in a few clicks, capturing this display so I could share it with my friends here on The Blip.

Sometimes in my blogs, as in my photographs, I do some post-processing. A case in point here would be the name Castle Rock. Honestly, I have no clue what the name of this monolith is, or if it even has a name! But for me, and now for you, it will always be know by that "nom de plume". Plus that moniker is far more romantic than calling it "that there hill".

By the by, I'm was very relieved that I allowed BikerJim to turn his back on a fairly nice sunset tonight. Occasionally I have to take a chance on a different kind of subject matter. Sunsets are always a good and safe theme for posting here, Lord knows I've done a few of them. But from time to time I need to prove to myself that I can still make a decent image without pointing my camera in the suns direction.

Thanks for coming by to see what I'm up too!
Your friend, TucsonJim ;o)

A Bigger Castle Rock

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