Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

The Braid Burn

It was supposed to be a rainy day, but it never came to pass. I worked on my bikes in the morning. Every time I thought that it was nice enough to hand the washing outside, a few spots of rain would land on me and the bikes as a warning.

Bikes maintained, lunch eaten, washing on the dryer. I went to meet my partner at Cameron Toll. the sun came out as if to mock me. You could have hung the washing out.

Two buses to Cameron Toll. The 11, travelling in twos as usual. The first one I got on was overtaken a few hundred metres later by bus travelling at least twice as fast. I miss the 7 I was gong to get as the 11 I am on is stopping at most stops.

I get to the bus stop at Kaimes, there is another 7 in a few minutes. When it does arrive, I really should remember to sit on the right hand side as there are better views to photograph.

I get off at Cameron Toll and walk to the shopping centre. The Braid Burn runs parallel to the path through a small piece of woodland. The sun shines weekly through the grey cloud highlighting some leaves.

A small bit of shopping, and coffee and cake await.

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