
By ramblingrose


 Hi there everyone. I hope you are all well.
The move with my Son went well, although I nearly hit the Landlady there. She was just totally unaproachable! I asked her nicely if she would consider giving my Son his deposit back, or at least half, as I had cleaned his room, although, it didn't look much worse than when he moved in! A bit of a dump actually! Before I even got the words out my mouth, she was threatening to call the police, saying not to threaten her! And she was shoving me out the door! I knew then what my poor Son had been going through the last few months. I couldn't be bothered any more. But I DID slam the front door when I left. I was fuming at her attitude!
My Son and I moved back to his old Landlady's house. She is putting him up in the summerhouse for the time being. Bless her! He feels very stressed at the moment, as do I. Anyhow, we must look on the bright side. At least he is out of that place for good!!
Thank you for following me. And for all your well wishes with regards to this move. I thank you all very much. Take care.

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