Five things

By fivethings

The Knowledge Emporium

1. Yellow shoes on and off to sunny Edinburgh for The Curious Scrapbook of Josephine Bean. On the way I meet Julie Ellen and then Jude, then Gaz. The show is glorious. Just glorious. Created, designed and performed by Shona Reppe, tucked down a little close at the Book Trust and I couldn't recommend it more.

2. A quick stroll to Dundas Street to meet Sophie for a lovely chat in a very nice cafe - though we both agree that £3 for an apple juice was a bit too 'new town' for us. Unless they were really amazing apples. I have a little while before my next meeting and stroll past St Stephen's where Norther Stage have taken over. There's a good atmosphere, but nothing to go into right now.

3. Well that's not true - there's an Airstream Caravan parked up and open for business. This is the Knowledge Emporium and inside you can pass on a piece of your knowledge in exchange for sweets. I enter and the only thing I know is that I seem to know nothing. This lady joins me and shares some wisdom and later I do the same. A big bag of boilings to see me on my way.

4. Over to George St, the Wicker Man and Love Letters with JNC - my date for the day. We share a drink in the sun with the WM cast and meet up with some nice folk later.

5. It's unchartered territory as I decide to head home early and not go on to the next pub. A wise decision that makes me very, very happy.

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