Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54


The mountains appear just as crushed by the clouds as Trump did by Clinton in tonight's debate.  She absolutely destroyed him.

"I think Donald is accusing me of preparing for this debate.  Yes, I did.  You know what else I'm prepared for?  To be president of the United States." 

You go girl!

Three signs that he did very badly:
1. He claimed to have a faulty microphone
2. His surrogates complained about the moderator
3. An influential surrogate (Rudy Guliani) is recommending that he not debate again (two more are scheduled).

Hopefully, just as the dark skies cleared up late in the day, so will Clinton's image (and Trump's) be more clear in the minds of voters in the morning.

Debate Highlights  (about 4 min)
Full Debate Coverage  (about 2 hrs 20 min) 

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