Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

Evening sky

I've been doing some no camera walks the last few mornings. No use for blipfoto but they are good for the soul and more relaxing in some ways. I still do my bird watching - bird counts for BTO Birdtrack even with no binoculars.

The local Swallows have all gone now but there are still House Martins around in lower numbers. There are still a pair visiting a nest nearby - I wonder if they have any chance of breeding this late in the season.

Life goes on and I still love the radio dramas - especially a serial like Tracks ( radio 4 this afternoon)

We are working our way through the Beethoven symphonies each night at the moment - DVD from 2013 Proms with Barenboim conducting.

The photo is the evening sky just a few minutes before 6 - nice to see some light after a dull day

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