Today we went for a really good long walk, through the second sheep meadows. And guess what? The sheep were back there! My sheep! We met the first group right after my biggest rock. They were having some kind of sheep meet in the middle of the path, so we had to negotiate our way through. We were happy to see them! I wonder where they have been all summer...

We went past the allotments all the way over to the new equestrian centre. Sixty horses have moved in! Most of them were outside. We didn't go super close because mum didn't want to disturb them. In the allotment garden there were still lots of flowers and vegetables growing. It is nearly October! Very unusual. Last time we were here, a snake slithered right next to this rock. Eyes open mum! We also said hi to a band of bulls, but from the right side of the fence.

Mum finally used some of our apples to bake a an apple cake. Yay!! We ate it with custard and it was awesome!

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