It's Turned Out Nice Again

Another dull wet muddy sort of day, which stopped us doing  a high level walk. We decided to do two low ones instead. But were thwarted after coming down from Great Mell Fell and making our way over to Whinlatter only to find the road closed for repairs to flood damage. We found ourselves near John Gravett's house so popped in to say hello.The sun had come out by then so he and Rainie were just about to go over to Watendlath so we met up with them there. It's a scarily narrow road in an unfamiliar car. I think it's a lot easier if slower, to walk there over the fells.
Fishing boats on Watendlath Tarn

Many thanks for the hearts and stars for my last two blips, which has put me on the first page of popular! I'm chuffed to bits!

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