An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Weather Front...


Well we all managed to get up at a reasonable time this morning, well too late for breakfast but not too late that we had to go straight to lunch :-)

After that Gail had to go home to get her boy sorted for going back to Uni (i.e. to make sure he didn't take all the food from the fridge :-) 

At 2pm Ele, Agnes and I decided to venture out to a local farm shop for lunch.  Baked potatoes for Ele and I, chips and cheese for Agnes (she's the classy one ;-) and more blethering whilst enjoying the views over the stunning Perthshire countryside.

We blethered so long that when we paused for breath, we were shocked to find we were the only ones left and place was getting ready to close!  We paid our bill, apologising to the man for keeping him back and he laughed and said we'd kept him company.  

Once in the car park we made further idiots of ourselves by taking selfies that made us laugh so much, one of us demonstrated what middle-aged party trick of laughing and farting simultaneously.   I am too much of a lady to say who though :-))

The weather had been lovely, dry sunny and a blue sky with fluffy white clouds, but as we stood there in the car park, we could see a storm blowing in and I was cursing myself for not having my proper camera.  This iPhone shot just doesn't do it justice.

Back the house and got Alan fed, then a late dinner for us as we got caught up in the X-Factor (I HATE that programme so much.  It was my guests' choice.  I really must find new friends :-) then amazingly we found more things to blether about and my head finally hit the pillow around 2am.

(The golfers are having a great time.)

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