Barbed Wire
Thank you for all your kind and supportive comments on my 1000th blip yesterday. When I started blipping I had been thinking about it for some time, but wasn’t sure I would be able to keep it up. I found it quite hard at first, but I got into the swing of it, and my aim was to do 365 blips. I did my one year and kept going, and of course now it is a habit. I feel lost if I leave the house without my camera. Thinking back to those early days, I can hardly believe that I have kept it going for 1000 days with no breaks. Thanks for coming on the journey with me – I plan to keep going.
My work day passed quickly but I never really got into the piece of work that I am trying to start. Maybe I’ll feel more inspired tomorrow. I did manage a quick foray out of the office at lunchtime, but then ended up with a couple of late meetings that over ran, which meant I got home later than I had hoped.
I’ve just walked round the block to get a few steps on my pedometer. It is really windy – but not a cold wind. I spotted this shadow of a dilapidated barbed wire fence when I was out.
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