Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Good news and bad news

Well, the good news is that we can get a flight with an upgrade on the second leg. The bad news is that we can't get one till tomorrow (Sunday). Which means we won't be back in the UK till Monday. Which is a slight problem for those of us who work...

And we have to pay £75 each to re-book, and £75 each for not turning up for a flight! We are rather p***ed off with Jetstar ground staff, as apparently they were told by Emirates not to let us board the flight in Brisbane, as they knew we wouldn't make the Sydney connection. There will be letters written to Jetstar, Emirates and indeed the Travel Agent, as the the flight time wasn't right.

Had breakfast this morning at my favourite cafe from last time. This time there was a man sitting in a corner playing a harmonica for some reason. They are very loud. Harmonicas, I have realised, could actually join banjos in the band from hell. The cafe, needless to say, has slipped from its number one position!

In the afternoon we went to watch Toby, G's son, play football. This was fun, as I could take loads of photos, trying to get a good action one. I didn't get a good enough one to use as a blip.

In the evening we went for a meal at a great wee Thai restaurant. The two birthday girls haven't been together for their birthdays since college, so it was a bit of an unexpected bonus.

Never mind. Airborne tomorrow!

PS apologies for not being able to comment!

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