Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Amazing sky...

...on the way to Pilates this morning - I just had to stop for the shot, and I've tagged it for widwed too! ( Back to tag it for wildwed as well - such a wild sky, and the forerunner of wild wind...) The delay meant I was struggling for a parking place when I got there - but at least I had some company this week... Good job - my individual lesson last week was hard work ;)
The sunset was amazing last night as we set off for badminton too - the clouds were much like this, but flame red.

Just so you know, I'm doing one last week "hosting" Derelict Sunday
( DS50 ), then freespiral takes over for the rest of October - which includes DS52, ie a whole year's worth! Celebrate with us and find some beautiful dereliction to tag!

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