The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


I forgot to take a daytime photo today! Went to work feeling somewhat better. We've all been experiencing chills, aches and pains, and other symptoms of the common cold.

There was a staff shortage in the afternoon, so I stayed on a while extra, and then caught the bus towards Cheltenham. I was due to meet Dave, my friend, half way there, at a pub/carvery. We had a humungous meal: the veggie options were sublime! Arranged to meet in a month or so's time, and caught two buses home again.

Now I am preparing for a coffee morning/card sale tomorrow morning. This will be followed by a matinee at the Cheltenham Everyman theatre. We are going to meet blipper Frank S afterwards.

These flowers were brought to us by Steve's sister Rosie, last Sunday. They still look as good as when first picked!

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