Voyage of a Beagle & Lab

By Inez

Bracklinn Falls

Decided to make the most of the continuing good weather and headed to Callander today. Not sure we went in the right direction as it was a little cloudy and the girls were complaining as they had worn shorts. By the time we had walked a little way up the hill out of town towards the Bracklinn Falls they had warmed up and it was actually perfect weather for walking! I love the falls, the magnificent shapes that the water has cut into the rock and the tremendous noise the cascading water makes. So much noise that the children fail to hear when I shout that they have gone too far with their rock scrambling - best not to watch! Coco seemed to have trouble watching too and was giving wee cries for them to come back.

Home and the sun is shinning, sure I have lots to do but tomorrows forecast not so good, so I've given in to the call of a G&T, a book and my blue bench - lazy Saturday evening, bliss!

Things I discovered today - don't wear a new white top for the first time and then make bruschetta for dinner!

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