This Was Our Day!

Hello, Blipfriends!
Dolly reporting today!

This was one of those days that me and Mum couldn't agree on what to blip. It's a good thing we can do a collage! Mum wanted to blip the chickens and I wanted to blip about the picture I'm in.

This morning Mum went to church and afterwards went to someone's house for a cup of tea. Apparently I WAS invited, and the lady has 2 lovely big dogs (I LOVE big dogs!) but for some reason I was left behind. Something about being left too long in the car during church. Well, really! I know the solution to THAT!

The main reason for going there was to see the lady's motorhome and to ask all sorts of questions. Mum is SO tempted to get one!! That would be fab, Mum! We could go camping almost all year round!!

Besides the motorhome, there was a beautiful large garden. With this fab hanging flowerpot! We want one! There were also chickens there. I LOVE chickens!! My dogsitter used to have them and I'm happy to run around the garden with them. Why don't we get some chickens, Mum? She says it's something to do with her being gone all the time. Grr!

Which leads me on to MY picture. Mum has to go back to work tomorrow. She is supposed to like her job, but right now she never wants to go. She says she's too tired and just 'blah'. But then the sewing kit came out and she finally sewed back on a couple of buttons that had come off. Maybe too many cinnamon buns this summer, Mum? Hmm?

Finally went on our early evening walk and the sky didn't disappoint. A nice simple sunset. All in all, a fine day.

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