I didn't mean to do that

So sorry for the absence.

We left home a week early as the weather was looking promising. We were not wrong to do that as we have had some stunning days and many good walks. There has even been Ice Cream (Brora).

Stops so far at: Loth Ferry Terminal, Sibster Forest, Duncansby Head, Dunbeath, Brora, Brahan Estate. 

Am blogging to the best of limited ability at http://twosnails.uk

Currently we are at Huntly, where we had two nights scheduled for Mr L to be able to attend a hospital appointment in Aberdeen. Yesterday we had planned to go to Balmoral and then on to Glenshee for tonight. Having seen the forecast weather however, we elected to stop two extra nights here. It means a longer trip tomorrow, when we go all the way to Pitlochry in one leg.

Today's picture comes from earlier in the week and is a shot of the River Deveron a couple of hundred metres from the caravan park where I am presently sitting. It is not the one that I intended to upload but the Macbook learning curve is steep...  I have yet to workout how to make the file selection dialogue show me a decent-sized image preview so that I can tell one shot from another. This does not bode well for the start of my OU course next week. Am trying not to fret about that and simply concentrate on having my holiday!

There is much good walking here and a conveniently located Tesco across the road. I have yet to cough up to visit the castle though. Hopefully the rain will stop in order for me to do that later this afternoon.

Signal strength, bandwidth, and time permitting I hope to be back at the weekend with at least one photo from Faskally. For now I am simply going to try and upload an additional image for today which may, or may not be the one that I first intended to.

How can I get my black background back?

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