
By Norisan

4.5 tons wow

Wow, this carriage weighs 4.5 tons...
It said on the Japanese description that this carriage (mikoshi in Japanese) is the biggest golden carriage in Japan using 24kg of gold. Also 16 carats of diamond, 2010 rubies, and several other jewels are used.

It's supposed to be carried by several festival guys around the area (including near my home) tomorrow so I'll have to wake up early enough on a Sunday morning to watch how it looks like.

Further information (I didn't know actually). This festival from today until the 15th is said to be the three biggest important festivals in Edo (Tokyo's name while the samurais ruled the country).

There seems to be a lot to learn even for a Japanese about summer events in Tokyo.

Great lunch with friends from uni. Some of them live outside Tokyo, so it was great to take this opportunity to do a lot of catch up!

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