Marsupium Photography

By magi


Autumn day, sun and rain in one go. Had to go back home to pick up waterproofs. Went to an interesting workshop on the plans for infrastructure to run cityscope a project to turn Edinburgh into an augmented reality learning place. Quite big idea, but sounds quite fun and I can think of some datasets that would be really good to see. The meeting room was very funky with drop down laser turret projector.

Unexpected trip to the cinema with #1. We went to see the Magnificent Seven in the Cameo, pretty much all alone, but with captions (which were quite helpful). The film was as you'd expect and no surprises. Both of us really enjoyed it. The baddy invoked the notion that capitalism was god given and everyone better got on with it. Wonder if that was Hollywood being critical of the status quo. The good gang was pretty multi cultural and multi national and prevailed in the end.

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