August Challenge - Purple - Thistle (3)
Day 11 of Missymoos challenge - Purple: Take a photo of something purple.
Tricky one today.
There seems to be a shortage of Purple People Eaters around here (thankfully).
I don't have any Deep Purple albums (one of the founding groups of Heavy Metal)
I also don't have any Jimi Hendrix recordings, specifically not Purple Haze.
I don't do drugs, so don't grow Purple Haze (a type of cannabis), and I couldn't imagine anyone growing it wanting me to mark their cannabis farm on the maps in here. (Annie and Chris - note the subtle use of maps again!)
I don't suffer from Porphyrophobia - the fear of purple.
The Olympics are using a lot of purple as a background colour, but who wants another Olympics blip, especially as this wouldn't be at a stadium.
There is a shade of purple known as Veronica, but I don't know any ladies called Veronica who I could call up to do a quick blip portrait.
Not being a Klingon I don't have purple blood.
So, while out on a walk this afternoon I came across this - and this'l have to do :) (and there is a shade of purple called thistle too).
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