Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


We had our AGM today and this guy was our guest speaker. 

Dan Eley worked as a charity worker with impoverished children in Latin America for two years before a diving accident in the Colombian Amazon left him paralysed from the shoulders down on New Year’s Day 2010.
He spent the next year in hospital, initially in Bogota but mostly in Stoke Mandeville back in England, fighting for his life and facing up to the enormous emotional and physical challenges of being severely paralysed. During these difficult times he had the opportunity to meet other people with similar disabilities who had overcome extreme adversity to go on and achieve great things in life. This inspired him to pursue his dream of starting apprenticeship-style training schemes for children living in poverty in Colombia and Latin America. He also funds opportunities for children in his home town of Godalming. The Dan Eley Foundation is the charity that he uses as the vehicle for this.

I have to say, after a day of meetings looking at finance and the labyrinth of NHS planning, this was a truly moving and inspirational story and one which really makes the case for holistic personal care. 

The other news today was that Dylan did a wee after his operation, which was good to hear. Apparently he is quite sprightly.

Knackered now, its been a pretty full on week. But do give Dan's charity some money through his website http://www.daneleyfoundation.org and take some time to read about what they do.


This time last year I was watching some street music in Istanbul and having a truly great day.

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