Scooting along

Kerr has come along leaps and bounds this week on his scooter. So has cousin Lucy. At the start of the week they were both a bit shaky on them, and now they are whizzing past us with no fear whatsoever.

Today we went to St Andrews town this morning. Kerr spotted a book on Monday in the bookshop - all about car badges. He loves identifying badges on cars and knows quite a few now. He has been talking about this book all week, so we went back and bought it for him today. He is delighted with it! The badges he can currently identify are Honda, Mazda, Ford, Renault, BMW, Volkswagen. I'm sure he will know many more before too long if he keeps studying his little book!

This afternoon we went to the beach for one last time. Auntie Fiona came through for the day with baby cousin Emily. It was good to see them all and enjoy another sunny day on the beach.

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