The Happy Couple

We were delighted to attend the wedding of Isabella and Dani today. Isabella is the daughter of our good Scottish friend here, Isabel, who worked beside Catherine as long ago as 23 years. It was a wonderful day, our first wedding of the next generation of our friends, and we enjoyed it all the more for that.

We all met up in Plaza España at 3.30 pm for the coach to take us through the rush hour traffic to the venue in a finca-masia just north of Barcelona. Thank goodness we took the bus as it was a tricky place to find as the piper and photographer each found out . . . the piper (our good friend Alistair) made it in time but the photogrpahers delayed the kick off, so to speak!

The civil ceremony, in a lovely, banked open air setting, commenced at 6.00pm in both English for the visiting Scots and Spanish for the locals. Beautiful speeches were made during it by the bride's brother Roberto, who gave Isabela away in place of their late father. The couple's three best male friends also spoke touchingly and humorously, as well as Maria from Derry, before we lined the red carpet when I took the shot you see above.

Canapés and champagne followed for nearly two hours as we mixed with the other very friendly and welcoming guests with my kilt drawing the attention it usually does outside of Scotland and serving as a great icebreaker!

After previous experience, we were careful not to overdose on the incredible spread of inventive nibbles as we knew what likely lay ahead . . . a full blown dinner including fish, prawns and steak!

It took place in a large dinning room in the upper levels of the former farmhouse and the happy couple went in and out to various soundtracks to bring in this or that surprise gift to present to the supporting actors in the day's activities and the parents, including Isabel resplendent in her sparkling long, mid-blue dress.

It was past midnight before the first dance took place and then we were all led down to the lower level and a door opened to reveal a huge, full blown, 21st century night club complete with white lounging sofas, ultra violet lights and a cocktail bar in full swing. Not a penny or peseta needed to come out of anyone's pocket during the entire night as our host's generosity knew no bounds.

We opted for the 2am return bus rather than the 4:30-5pm bus. It was still not far off 4am when we got home!

If Isabel, Isabella, Dani or Roberto pop in here a HUGE thank you for your hospitality, generosity and a wonderful day! And may the happy couple enjoy many long years of married life.

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