Highland Life

By Baron

The Sands of Morar

as it was going to be such a nice day today, we decided to head west to Mallaig.
The day and journey certainly didn't dissapoint. It was a great trip and on the way we passed through Arisaig and Morar. Now morar I have always wanted to go to, so I could show all my fellow blippers one of the truly great beaches in Scotland. The problem is, that the sands of Morar are made up of about 15 small beaches, equally attractive, but all in the same area. When we got there we couldn't believe our eyes, just about every one of the beaches was crowded with people having a wonderful time. So I managed to take some photos that weren't to overcrowded, as for beauties sake, beaches look better without people for scenic reasons. I chose this beach next to the golf coarse. The sands were actually silver and so fine to walk on. So my blip for today, The Silver Sands of Morar.

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