Coal tit

The day began with parkrun and I'm pleased to write that the calves are working fine.  Since then it has been a series of jobs:  stewing the cooking apples from the allotment; watering the pots; dead-heading the dahlias; unblocking the sink; shredding bank statements; cleaning out the fridge - all action and romance in our house!

There were at least ten different birds in the elder tree yesterday:  spadgers; blue tits; great tits; coal tits; greater spotted woodpecker; golfinches; a greenfinch; two nuthatches; a dunnock and starlings, so I'm guessing they are looking for different food sources now.  This afternoon it is just the usual suspects but the three coal tits were more concerned with chasing each other than with eating.

Tony put up the new squirrel feeder a week or so ago but, as yet, no squirrels have arrived to work it out.  A neighbour tells me that her neighbour has been shooting them!

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