
By ramblingrose


Hi there everyone. I hope you are all well.
Today, I went to Tesco to do some shopping, although I don't normally shop there. I wanted to pick up a cheap mobile phone that I ordered for my Son, who has just moved. I wanted a simple Pay-As-You- Go Phone. My Son has a Nokia at the moment, on contract. He doesn't pay much a month for it, as it's only a basic phone. However, he found that he had a bill for over £100, as he has used more than he should! He said he doesn't want contract anymore. Just a simple one, like I have mentioned. I therefore bought this for him. Just £14.99. I will top it up for him tomorrow. Otherwise, it is now all ready to go. I have done all the usual set up etc. At first, I struggled a bit with the menu, as I am so used to a Smartphone, with all the frills+ touch screen etc!. I have to say though, that this is a cracking little phone. It does all that a phone should do! Make calls, texts etc!  The volume is nice and loud too! My Son doesn't want a smartphone. If he had his way, he wouldn't have a phone at all! But these days, you really do need one!
Anyhow, that has been my day. I will take it up to him on Wednesday when I next visit him.
Thank you all for following me. Take care.
Theresa x

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