Winding Down

Thanks for all the wishes after my migraine this afternoon - I went to bed for about 3 hrs this afternoon after posting yesterdays blip, and while I've got a residual headache I think I tamed the beast before it broke free.

For the first time in ages I had no energy to get out and about, so I ventured into the realms of the back garden to try a bit of still life.

Work is very busy at the moment. A huge project that culminates in one day in September and I'm doing the planning and co-ordinating. It's not stressful because I enjoy it - and it's all been planned - but there's so many intricacies and things to cover that I sometimes find I'm concentrating so hard that I almost forget to breathe! I think maybe the weekend wind down is what 's bringing on the migraines. Almost like my brain's saying that it can't afford to go wrong Monday to Friday so it'll store it up till the weekend instead. I can't remember tha last time I sat and did nothing for any length of time. I'm not complaining, I have a great life, but it's an explanation.

Maybe I need to try some real 'Still Life'.

That's it - just to say;

Go Mo!

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