
By astudyinscarlet

xmas lights

not the best-composed shot i've ever taken! in fact, it's probly one of the worst i've posted but it is outdoors and i'm tired of indoor macros. it's the view from north bridge around sunset - nice grimy sky there, setting off the aftermath of the heavy drizzle nicely.

union meeting this afternoon was interesting and tho not entirely productive it felt like at least we now all knew the same thing, whereas before it was anyone's guess what anyone knew and whether it was right. i still have no faith in being in work after january, but at least i have drawn it to the attention of the union rep that there's a group of us under very real threat and that we'd like some backing please. sympathetic noises were made, and i for one will be holding him to it come the crunch. fingers crossed for me, chaps and chapesses!

tho i s'pose having no work means i have more time to take photos...

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