Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

Fun & Friendship :o)

We had a lovely family lie-in this morning. We finally managed to get ourselves up and ready for breakfast at 9am. I appreciate that to a lot of people 9am is not a lie-in, but to a Mum of 4 young children, anything past 7am is to be appreciated :o)
Peach and DM had a trip to St Albans and Welwyn today to pick up some furniture for Carla's new home. Which left me at home with the younger three for most of the day.
My mum and her husband had the girls for an hour whilst I went to "see a friend about a dog" ;o) Ruby was not impressed about me leaving her and had full on waterworks, September's going to be fun!
I spent the afternoon with R&P whilst Aj was in bed. We had a bit of a play in the garden and then I was very naughty and let the girls watch a couple of DVD's. I appreciate it was very selfish of me, but I really wanted to get on with some ironing and washing.
I took this picture whilst R&P were watching Beauty and The Beast. This is them dancing like Beauty and the Beast. It's lovely to watch them dancing together; they take a few steps and then it's "my turn". They each move around a bit in a way to suggest they are changing leads but actually go back to how they were and then dance some more.
Penny has been in pants all day today and unfortunately we've had a bad day :o( We didn't manage to get her to the toilet in time this morning, when we took her nappy off. Then we've had two poo-pants moments throughout the day, together with 3 changes of skirts/trousers because of wee's :o( Tomorrow's a new day and we'll get her there :o)
Tonight we've all been round to a friends house for a Q-B-Bar! We've had a thoroughly enjoyable evening. Lots of chatter, giggles and friendship. Our girls played with their children superbly. It's wonderful to see the children playing together so well, it really helps to make a relaxing evening. That and the great adult company! Both Peach and I have found a new friendship in a caring, thoughtful and helpful family; it certainly is a gift that we intend to cherish for a long time. Thank you xxx

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