Ernest Rides Again

Ernest loves his bike. He has had it for years and cherishes it. He polishes the chrome every weekend then takes it out to Dunham Massey and rides around the park. He pedals furiously up and down the paths, his mummy shouts for him to slow down, but Ernest is reckless, he may even take the stabilisers off one day too! 

After indulging in a few cocktails yesterday, after not having had a drink for a long time, I felt surprisingly 'alright' this morning. I had a lazy morning indulging in a long read in my pjs. I managed to get dressed and set off for Dunham Massey to meet up with Green56 in the afternoon...the only trouble was there were hundreds of other people who were trying to get in there too. They were queueing all along the road, but as I drive a nifty little mini I spotted a teeny tiny space just outside the main gates so I squeezed in, hoping it would still be there when I returned, then I walked in, passing the cars that were still waiting. 

There was a Panasonic Roadshow on, but there wasn't much happening so we wandered off. We meandered around, dodging scooters, bikes prams, toddlers, footballs, Sunday strollers, joggers, walkers, dogs and Uncle Tom Cobley and all! It was glorious sunshine and so we felt the need for an ice cream, of course there was a long queue, but it was worth the wait :)

The car was still there when I returned, so I didn't have to hitch a ride home...phew!

Oh yes....if you fancy a shufty at my pink and purple hair have a look HERE. Green56 took a sneaky shot of me. And you can see the dragonfly that kept dive bombing me!

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