"Different Trains"

Taxi one
I met up with Simon at Lime Street and despite our initial plan to walk to Duke Street for something to eat, it turned out we were both starving and we opted for a taxi. The route was a little perplexing to me and we ended up passing the Philharmonic and then a graveyard containing a large pyramid. I asked the taxi driver about it and we rapidly moved from there to a brief discussion about the Illuminati. Much better than Brexit.

On Bob's recommendation, we ate at Mayur (where Bob had taken me once before) and the experience was just as good this time around. While we were eating Simon asked me if I thought people ever take advice, which, for the most part, I don't, and, on consideration, I realised the only advice that I ever give with any confidence is "make lists". And that's good advice.

Taxi two
It wasn't that far to Edge Hill station - the oldest functioning passenger railway station in the world, fact fans - but we decided to take a taxi anyway. Our driver's easy confidence suffered a blow when he tried to drop us off at Wavertree Technology Park. Simon and I whipped out our phones to give him the correct directions and during our journey he persisted in telling us he hadn't got it wrong as he'd grown up in the area. We were unconvinced.

Edge Hill/"Different Trains"
We were at Edge Hill for a performance of Steve Reich's "Different Trains", which, along with a lot of other people, I'd funded through a Kickstarter campaign (or similar). Obviously I didn't think we'd be the only people there but I was surprised by the numbers all the same. 

We enjoyed a glass of wine while listening to the support act, Mats Bergström, playing Reich's "Electric Counterpoint", and then there was a small gap while Simon made friends with the lady next to us and I messed about on my phone (I absolutely lack his facility to chat idly with complete strangers).

There was no compère, so "Different Trains" appeared to start quite abruptly. Apparently this is the first time Reich has allowed film to be shown alongside the music and adding this visual element, especially the Holocaust footage in the middle section, "During The War", had a profound impact. I think it's the first time seeing film alongside music has improved the music for me and altered the way I perceive it. 

Taxi three
Whilst we'd been moved by the music and I felt it would be nice to hang around afterwards, we both had trains to catch so we managed to find a third taxi, this time to run us back to Lime Street. In fact, we made it in such good time, there was window of opportunity for a quick double in Wetherspoons before we went our separate ways. Went our separate ways, in fact, on different trains. 


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