City mall

Busy day.
Went to the gym and got a new program done. It's a hard one but I'm determined to keep doing it. I always feel so much better after just 40 mins doing it.
Home after that and had to go through a tough hour or so. I haven't mentioned in here that we decided to re-home Nina and Daisy, our two cats.
They have both been getting gradually more stressed and having 'accidents ' around the house.
We think bringing Lottie into the household may be causing it. So anyway I found new homes(seperate ones) for them each and this morning they were both picked up.
I feel very sad and guilty about the whole situation. I know it will be better for them in the long run.

Ended the day out in town with Ella getting a birthday present for a friend.

The city centre is moving ahead with the EQ rebuild, all the left hand side buildings are new.

Hoping for a happier day tomorrow .

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