George 'n Harry

By George_n_Harry


We was all very intrepid today.  'Cause it's ever so cold, and windy, and sometimes it rains down very hard, usually when I want to go outside for you know what.

So we did all get rugged up, on account of it's HIS 1500 blip day today, and we had to get a shot.  And we did trot round the block ever so fast, because we could see it was gong to rain again, and he did shoot some locks, because it's all he could see that he fancied.  But he didn't shoot them with a gun, except I think he 'd like to because he wants to get inside for a nosy around, but he can't do that, because it's locked with 6 whole locks.  How about that!

So, HE did get his photo, and SHE did get her photo, but I didn't get a photo until we did get back home, and it was time to feed the birds, and I thoughted I might get a bit of mince too.

And I did.

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