Grateful Days

By Nickimags888

Not Mono Monday Sunrise

Thought I'd go for a sunrise today instead of my usual Mono Monday blip, plus I couldn't think of what to do anyway.

This hasn't been played with, so definitely SOOC. The weather looks good all week so hopefully they'll be some more of these to blip.

I finished a fantastic book last night by Jodi Picoult, a bestselling author but only my first time reading anything by her. It's called Small Great Things and is published in November. It's definitely worth a read and even worth buying. It would be a really good book club choice as well.

I've finally set up a book review blog over on wordpress. It's a free blog so nothing fancy, but I am using one of my Mono Monday blips for my home page. I'd love it if you'd check it out, it's called the thesecretlibrarysite. I've only got one post and an about page up at the mo, but there is definitely more to come.

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