
By DramaQueen

Plaster scene

Today was Mum's review appointment at the fracture clinic. She'd asked me when she first booked it if I could give her a lift there and keep Theo entertained; of course I would.

Luckily I booked the whole day off work as it took an absolute age to be seen. The waiting room was packed when we arrived. Her appointment was at 10am but they were running 45 minutes late when we arrived, we also had an hours wait down in the X-ray department before she finally saw the consultant!

He's not happy with her foot, so wants to see her again in 3 months time and has stressed the importance of regular manipulation at the physio department.
This is a contentious issue (which Mum politely told him) as when her appointments haven't been cancelled (due to illness or holidays), they've been all of 8mins long (at best) and the physio hasn't even laid so much as a finger on Mum's foot.
Mum told him this and said she's been paying privately for weekly appointments.
He's now referred her to a different clinic for hopefully better treatment.

On the whole, Theo was really good, we just had one brief tantrum because he was getting tired and bored I almost joined in!.
I told him Gant's bag only grows surprise eggs for good boys so he soon calmed down.

We finally left the hospital at 1pm. I know they're busy and I'm not knocking it as they work very hard (and there are far worse places, Germany for example!!!), but it was such a long wait for very little time with the Doctor.

Once we got back to Mum's, she gave Theo his present for being a good boy; some plasticine. I think I maybe had more fun than him as he kept telling me off for messing with it!

As I was leaving, I said 'see ya later alligator', Theo replied with 'I'm not a lallygator, I'm Theo'. I love him!

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