Warm Welcome

Today,  as I was walking along the street near the station, going to my Mum and Dad's, this lovely ginger cat came trotting along the street towards me. He was miaowing at me and obviously wanted me to fuss him - so of course, I did! He was rolling on the floor and purring loudly! 

I've no idea why he was so pleased to see me! Maybe he just knew I love cats...

My Mum didn't want to get out of bed today - she didn't get up until half past one, half an hour or so before I had to leave to get my train!

When I went back to go home, there was one person at the station already - a very odd, scruffy man. He kept chatting to me, and I talked back, trying to make it seem as normal as possible, but he was making very little sense. He kept on about the RAF planes that we could hear, like he thought they were after him. It was a bit daunting. 

He said he was going to Lincoln, and that he'd come from Skegness - then he said he wanted to go back to Skegness, and - hey Presto - he showed me his ticket, which was for Lincoln to Skegness! I explained that he needed th opposite platform then, and off he went!

My train arrived - a little later than normal - shortly after!

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