MonoMonday Challenge - 141 Roots

We are having an Indian summer, but that may begin to change tomorrow.

Tonight I had the pleasure to meet Dmarc, another of my favorite Blip connections, and to show a bit of my city.  Unfortunately, I had my days mixed up and arrived more than an half hour late robbing precious time before sunset.  Thankfully, he was nice to wait for me and we had a nice walk into the center to have a nice chat over a drink and dinner.  Too bad he's no longer following on Blip, but I can completely understand the juggling act between work family and hobbies!  Such a talented photographer and interesting to exchange points of view (and share a bit of our passion for cameras).  :)

Here are my roots - for now.  Well planted in the city.  Still a bit of sunset glow on the horizon from the top of the Brian & Barry terrace bar.  The turrets and illuminated Madonna from the Duomo, the many antennas and rooftop terraces, and the Torre Velasca....  it all seems a bit of Mary Poppins at times!  

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