twinned with trumpton


After an energetic Friday, Saturday was surprisingly active. OK, so I slept til 8, but thereafter it was onto washing, shopping, haircut, housework etc. 
By noon I was done, and then it was off to the bike shop to collect the bombproof tyres which had been attached to the new one; seemed only right that I take it for a ride so I did; not very far, but enough to stretch out the legs. 
She walked down after G was picked up and I went to meet her; we picked sloes in the sunshine and walked home along the sea front in the sun. Then an hour outside, just sitting, chatting before it got cooler and we went in; I cooked dinner (cod with the tomato olive caper lime coriander sauce) and some crumble too.

A quiet evening in anticipation of a hill walking Sunday.

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