Tiny Tuesday Dried Flowers

When my mother died almost a year ago her very dear friends, who live 750km, away were unable to come to her funeral as both in their 90s.
However they sent a lovely arrangement of native flowers. These dry well and I still have them. 
A close up of one is my Tiny Tuesday blip for today. I am not sure what it is, some sort of Proteus I think. It doesn't have much colour left till seen through the macro lens.

Sadly Reay died last week at the age of 96. 
My sister, 59, and I are flying to Ballina for her funeral on Thursday.

I have just been surprised. After posting this I got a notification to say it's my 1095 (3 years) entry!
I thought it was tomorrow and was racking my brains for something clever and meaningful to blip.
LOL. So now I don't have to worry :-)))

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