Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Floor Patterns

Friends have come up from Plymouth for the festival so its a quick stop at the portrait gallery for some culture before a day of fringe shows.

The gallery has recently opened but despite being only a 5 minute walk from home this is the first time we have ever been in.

Some of the portraits are not my sort of thing but you can still wonder at how they managed to paint such 3D looking paintings back in those days.

While walking around I noticed the floor of the entrance hall and took a quick sneaky snap. There are patterns in all sorts of places if you just look for them.

After culture it was then onto a foot lights show which was a combination of young performers.
Lucy Porter who was her normal entertaining self
Shappi Khorsandi who was very funny and it was good to see her back at the fringe
Finally Comic Strip. This turned out to be a mix of burlesque and comedy. I must have realised this when I booked it but forgotten, so a shock when the first act came out but very entertaining.

This will be my entry into the weekend blip challenge for the work pattern

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