Another blast from the past

To carry on from yesterday's 'Found in the Attic' theme but on a much smaller scale, this little tin of plastic charms (mostly of Walt Disney characters) was unearthed from the bowels of the late ex-Laird's attic recently.

I recognised it immediately as one of the very few things I brought with me when I left South Africa as a child 50+ years ago, so it must have been very precious at one time, but now long forgotten.

Collecting and swapping these charms was one of the primary school playground crazes, along with the marbles craze, the jacks craze, the silkworm craze and probably others I've forgotten about. Each craze would last a few weeks before it fizzled out and moved to something else, but it came around again sooner or later. Skipping - that's another one!

As you can tell, even the tin holding the charms is ancient. It started out as a Christmas present containing Sharps toffees. Sweet memories. (Pardon the pun.)

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