
A bit of a road trip today. My pal wanted to have a look at some work he'd done for The National Trust some years ago so up to Killin we went in his motor with my bike in the boot. And, whilst he went and padded around in the vicinity of Ben Lawers I rolled off west along the glen for about 7 miles before a pretty punishing climb (steep and gravelly - not a great combination!) up and over the hills to Pubil and then an undulating 20 mile roll east along Glen Lyon to end up in Fortingall where we rendezvoused. And then arrived home to find a roast dinner waiting for us - result!

Beautiful scenery, great cycling, amazing weather. Can't see me doing it again anytime soon but when opportunities come your way I find it best to seize them. Could have stuck up any number of pics from the bike ride but I've gone for this one, bunch of others in extras.

Hexagon Sun

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