
By ChrisGroucutt

Incy Wincy

Apparently the weather has done something to the local spiders to make them huge. (Or as Donald Trump would say.. 'Yoooj'). Whatever has happened they are bloody massive around here at the moment.

Don't be fooled into thinking this was shot with a macro lens... it was shot wide angle from 10 foot away.* And absolutely no cropping, it was THAT big. This spider was so big it blocked the light into the house, and tried to eat the dog for lunch.

Sorry if I triggered any phobias out there... not my intention. If it helps, you can imagine it was a plastic model spider that I setup for the shot. It would be a lie of course, but if it helps, go for it. 


*Slight fib there... totally was a macro lens... just in case any photography police are reading this. Or spider police. Them too.

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