loco viejo


Bar views

Main blip is view through window to the bar of "my" hotel. Extra is view through window to the bar of Ye Olde Whyte Swanne in Louth, up for sale AGAIN. Can't understand why it's not been a huge success, though the last attempt was pretty uninspiring. It's a lovely olde worlde pub right on the high street of a lovely market town... I wish someone would give me £200k and a quality chef - I'd like to give it a shot!!
Other extra is meal I cooked for V to try and take her mind off stuff (see her blip for today if you haven't already - looks like Dad is on the way to the other side :/).
PS ALL the cutlery WAS left, so massive job again Monday night... was feeling a bit peeved that the other night porter would likely have an easy ride as I'd done so much... but then he called and asked if I'd do his shift, so it's me that's benefitted (: - though I feel like an old man tonight, with a crick in my back and sore feet and aching legs...!! As a special bonus the burglar alarm went off and I haven't been shown how to switch it off... fortunately it stopped after 30 mins or so... amazingly it stopped the very second that V messaged me to say she was worried about Dad and struggling to sleep...

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