Sally Hart

By rosiecatwoman

Cactus House.

I bought this wee gem over a year ago with an intention of creating a Auricular Theatre : never happened, no effort for caring for plants. But as that's shifted now, I seem to have returned to Cacti and Succulents. As my bedroom window is due South, I'll grow them there and mebe Auricular's  will materialise sometime.
I diligently had a Flu Vac yesterday : aching joints and muscle have kept me awake since 3.30-- tedious.

For those of you who don't like rants : read no further.
We have a new manager here in this Housing Association patch. I went to talk with Mike this morning about a covered bike store. I've been a cyclist all my life, but gave away my bike after a year here, cos it was too much palaver : unlocking the rubbish bin shed, locking bike,getting it covered  and fixing cover so it didn't blow off. I found I was walking rather than cycle. Hanover ( the housing assoc ) do all this pious rubbish about promoting activity and well being, but they can't find the money for a covered bike store !. Bet it don't happen GGGGRRRR !.
Rant over XX 

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