
By Appreciation

The Annual Outing

I remember when I was little and as a family we would go on a private coach along with half the town to some park or beach. There would be streamers hanging out the bus windows, balloons bursting on the bus and singing, loud and raucous from everyone. We would arrive, set out the picnic, play games, have races, and annoy our parents. There would be free juice and ice creams and a goodie bag of sweeties for the bus home. I've never seen anything like that for years. What a pity.

For nearly 16 years now we three families and accompanying dugs have been trying to replicate that fun. Each year we set out on a beach adventure, pack our cars full of games, food and drink, umbrellas for the shade, beer for the non drivers, cake for the drivers, cameras, quizes, newspapers and general merriment. There are discussions about which car which child wants to be in, and who had the best sing-a-long music for the journey. Discussions about who cheated at what game and how come the adults can still run that fast when they put their competitive minds to it (although most hobble from the beach). We end with fish and chips in a poke and more loud music on the way home.

This year we managed to find the most unsunny beach which had a swirling winfd and the tide was out. It didn't do much to dampen our spirits and the fun was as good as any.

We have alread lost one girl to University. This year sees us saying farewell to another two. There is thought that this could be our last as more go off on their way to create their own path and start their own traditions.

We can only hope that we have given them the memories that I have of those precious family outings.

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