Pink Gerbera Daisy, Early October

The big hand of the clock is moving. You can almost feel it ticking. The light is making strange, unaccustomed angles and shadows. The days are growing shorter. We are moving into the latter part of the year.

The hummingbirds are gone now; they no longer visit the Dancing Girls, and we are all a little bit sad about that. I've brought all of the yard flowers up onto the front porch; frost has not come for us in town yet, but it usually arrives by mid-October.

You may remember the pink gerbera daisies I bought at the start of summertime. They have provided lovely blooms for most of the summer, and on this day, I wondered, wistfully, if this one might be the very last pink bloom.

As for the soundtrack for this image . . . I've decided that the word pink gives me license to use pretty much any Pink Floyd I want. :-) And surprisingly enough, this one, a favorite of mine, has not been used here yet. The lyrics also talk about light changing to shadow, which seems to make it even more appropriate for this time of year: Pink Floyd, with On the Turning Away.

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