Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

The Archaeology Walk

Today I was the team leader for the Archaeology Walk in a certain walking festival. Our expert, Phil Bowyer, is a delight to work with and communicates his subject well, knowing just how to draw people in.

We started at Sewingshields Farm and then walked north of Hadrian's Wall. There is evidence of man's occupation of the land from various eras, going right back to pre-history.

Someone spotted this collie looking out of one of the farm buildings as we passed.

I was using the little Panasonic TZ5 again. It did quite well, but I'll take something with better abilities tomorrow. I had to include an extra of Phil.

In the afternoon, we were looking at a burial cist when someone noticed movement. We thought it was a large hairy caterpillar, but, no, it was a tiny adder. We saw two. I've never seen a young one before. (We trod fairly carefully for a while!)

It was fine all day. The wind was strong and came from the east. I wonder if the weather is changing.

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