
By SteinJ

Monster Croissant

Before anything else I want to introduce you to my most recent blip recruit! Lhatle is Norwegian and she lives in Spain. Please give her a warm welcome!

What we have here, is the biggest croissant I have ever seen and it is Eva glaring down at it with a hungry grin on her face. Eva spotted this humongous thing when we were strolling along the streets of Olot last Friday. She simply had to have it! We went in to place our order for Sunday, and bought a few other things. We offered to pay on the spot of course, but Alicia, the very charming shop attendant said that we could pay on Sunday when we were to pick up our calorie bomb. It is not very common these days that people trust clients they never have seen before, and that clearly are from out of town! Very nice! (The numbers on the cash register does not reflect the real investment, by the way).

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